Sampling from a Sample

The samplers module contains a set of functions for generating samples from a random i.i.d sample. The output random variates should have similar distribution to the input sample.

The aim is different from bootstrapping, where we resample from the same values. Here, we will obtain from a smoother distribution.

The basic problem is this: We are given an i.i.d sample X_1, X_2, .., X_n from a density f. We wish to generate Y_1, Y_2, …, Y_m from the same unknown density. This is a difficult problem, but some progress is possible.

A good, detailed exposition of the methods implemented here can be found in [DEV1986].

These are the functions that are present in this module:


Generate random variates from Bartlett kernel. (Helper)


Generate new sample from a kernel density estimate.


Generate a new sample from a histogram estimate.


Generate a new sample from an estimate of F-inverse.


Sample-based Non-uniform Random Variate Generation, Luc Devroye (1986)